Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation

Embark on a Positive Grief Journey from Self-Blame to Self-Compassion

The only course that helps you let go of your guilt and find inner peace using brain based, science backed methods.

This course is the only step-by-step approach that will help you go from feeling consumed by guilt and self-blame over your loved one’s suicide to embracing hope and self-compassion, all while embarking on a positive grief journey filled with inner peace and moments of joy.

Before I tell you all about this course, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

You are right for Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation if you are seeking relief from the weight of your overwhelming guilt, longing to let go of the should haves and could haves and yearning to find inner peace.

Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation is right for you if you want to embrace hope and acceptance, move forward on your grief journey with a lighter heart, whilst re-discovering joy in your life. This course is designed to guide you so you can have a positive grief journey and transition from self-blame to self-compassion and forgiveness.

If you are....

  • A fellow suicide loss survivor feeling OVERWHELMED by the multitude of healing strategies and seeking genuine support that makes a difference

  • A griever who understands that rewiring the brain is key to letting go of guilt permanently

  • A survivor of bereavement by suicide who has sought help from various professionals, yet still struggles with lingering guilt

  • A person healing from suicide loss experiencing glimpses of inner peace and joy, but still grappling with feelings of guilt

You’re in the right place!

Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation will give you the tools, encouragement and unparalleled support so you can live a peaceful and joyful life, without any guilt, all whilst honoring your loved one.

By the end of this course you will have…


Rewired Your Brain,

letting go of your guilt permanently and not just for a couple of days


Released Your Burden Of Guilt...

so you can find inner peace, even if you are stuck down the rabbit hole of “should haves” right now


Stopped The Replays In Your Mind,

allowing you to be fully present and engaged with the loved ones in your life


Discovered Grief Tools,

equipping you right from the start so you can navigate your journey with resilience


Found Inner Peace,

recognizing that you did the best you could with what you knew at the time.


Uncovered Your Purpose…

so you can keep your loved one’s memory alive, ensuring they are remembered for how they lived

“I instantly connected with Caro and felt like she understood exactly how I was feeling.”

Caro’s process of “re-wiring your brain” has been so powerful for me. It works! She is helping me turn my negative self-talk and the “what if’s” “I should’ve” and “why’s”, into factual positive thinking. I’ve learned numerous valuable techniques that I now use daily, which helps me handle intrusive thoughts, guilt, negative self-talk, shame and so much more. I know with Caro’s help and continued practice, I can have a positive grief journey, filled with peace, love, laughter, and joy, all while honoring my son.

Jill (California)

Plain and Simple: Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation Changes Lives
and it’s Officially OPEN for Enrollment


Enroll in Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation Today

Independent Participation (Recorded Only)

3 Monthly payments


one-time payment



VIP Experience

with Weekly Live Topic Talks and Interactive Q&A Sessions (recordings will be available)

Limited to 15 suicide loss survivors

3 Monthly payments


one-time payment


Success Stories


Tracy (Utah)

Caro’s knowledge of the subconscious, her techniques of rewiring the brain, and daily affirmations helped me grieve in a healing way, not a self-destructive way. My friends have noticed a positive change in me, and I feel it too. With Caro’s guidance, I am hopeful, happier, and lighter. My guilt and shame are no longer in the forefront of my day. I can’t thank Caro enough and recommend her enough to help guide you through your grieving and recovery.


Esther (United Kingdom)

With Caro’s unwavering support I have been able to see that it is possible to move forward after the loss of my son and that my future has the potential to be fulfilling and meaningful. With skill, understanding and deep kindness, Caro has encouraged me to recognise the negative messages that may otherwise be holding me back from achieving my goal and I now no longer feel guilty for giving myself permission to fully live again after such tragedy.


Leslie (North Carolina)

When I lost my husband and love of my life to suicide, I experienced all the thoughts of shock, why, guilt, anger, confusion, loneliness and how do I continue living without him. I was listening to podcasts when I heard Caro in an interview and felt connected. With God, Caro, family and a few close friends I have started to find purpose for my life. Caro has given me the tools needed to live. God has given me the strength and light to move out of the darkness.


Diana (Washington)

After losing my only son TJ to suicide, I struggled with grief, guilt and severe depression. Caro gets it because she has lived it. Caro was what I needed. The tools she has given me to rewire my brain are priceless. Caro has shown me how to refute my untrue, unhelpful thoughts. By rewiring my brain daily, I am now feeling hopeful and find joy in my life. Caro is an amazing, caring and gentle soul. She has had such a profound impact on my grief journey.


Traci (California)

When my beautiful, kind son suddenly and unexpectedly left earth, I spent my days and sleepless nights thinking about him, the whys and what ifs. I felt overwhelmed with sadness. Finding Caro was like finding a light in the darkness. She provided me tools and action steps I could take to help me on this new journey. Most importantly, she helped me feel hope, and was a kind, supportive person I could talk to, who understood what I was going through.

What’s inside?


Before we delve into the exercises and techniques to help you let go of your guilt, let’s lay the foundation for your success. Right from the start, you will (re)discover tools which you will confidently utilize during our time together and beyond!

Module 1 Highlights:

  • Craft a personalized self-care plan to support your well-being during and after this course

  • Master the 54321 grounding exercise for managing anxiety and overwhelm

  • Learn Box Breathing exercises to calm your nervous system

  • Receive sleep tips, because when you get enough sleep, it’s a little easier to deal with all the things life throws at you

  • Explore journaling tips for self-reflection and grief processing, whether you’re a seasoned journaler or you struggle to put pen to paper


As we progress, Module 2 focuses on acknowledging and challenging your guilty thoughts. By approaching guilt with self-compassion, you'll learn how to confront your 'should haves' and 'could haves' head-on, empowering yourself to rewrite your narrative.

Module 2 Highlights:

  • Recognize guilt with self-compassion rather than judgment, fostering a deeper understanding of your emotions

  • Challenge the validity of your 'should haves' and 'could haves' in a number of different ways so you can reframe your perspective

  • Craft empowering statements to counteract negative self-talk which we will use to rewire your brain in later modules


In Module 3, we redirect your brain from deeply ingrained negative thinking patterns and uncover helpful perspectives that are often overlooked.

Module 3 Highlights:

  • Recognize your support by exploring all the meaningful ways in which you helped your loved one - you'll be amazed at the depth of your contributions

  • Let go of (the illusion of) control by noticing other people and factors which have shaped your loved one’s life

  • Craft your statements from the insights gained above, which you will use to rewire your brain in Module 5


Moving on to Module 4, we explore the fundamentals of how the brain works and, more importantly, how to rewire it so it is working for you and not against you.

Module 4 Highlights:

  • Discover how brain science explains the potential for rewiring your brain

  • Acknowledge your negative, untrue and unhelpful thoughts that contribute to feelings of guilt and keep you stuck

  • Put pen to paper and document these thoughts as they arise


In this Module, we take tangible steps to begin the rewiring process.

Module 5 Highlights:

  • Explore the underlying principles that make brain rewiring achievable

  • Challenge your untrue, unhelpful and negative thoughts, using two powerful discrediting methods

  • Start to rewire your brain with the results of the discrediting methods


Now that you have started to rewire your brain, we delve into another powerful way of putting pen to paper: writing letters that are never sent.

Module 6 Highlights:

  • Discover the therapeutic benefits of letter writing

  • Express unspoken thoughts and feelings by writing a letter to your loved one

  • Write a letter to the person(s) you are angry with, because your soul deserves peace

  • Let go of the emotions that have kept you stuck by releasing these letters


As we approach the end of this course, we explore avenues for uncovering purpose and meaning in the life we still get to live.

Module 7 Highlights:

  • Engage in a brainstorming session to discover potential sources of meaning and purpose

  • Reflect on the significance of this mission in your life

  • Make a commitment to take the first step

  • Establish methods to hold yourself accountable


In this final module, we conclude this course with a combination of reflection and forward thinking.

Module 8 Highlights:

  • Receive a comprehensive summary of the tools introduced throughout this course

  • Understand the key insights gained on this course journey

  • Gain inspiration from interviews featuring two of Caro’s clients sharing their personal stories

  • Reflect on your progress and achievements since starting this course

  • Explore strategies for integrating the course learnings as you live the life you still get to live - without guilt


Enhance Your Experience With These Exclusive Bonuses, Designed To Connect You With Fellow Suicide Loss Survivors, Deepen Your Understanding And The Opportunity To Unlock Personalized Guidance From Caro




3 months Access to the Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation Facebook Community, reserved for all Course Participants

This private, member-only Facebook group is filled with suicide loss survivors who, just like you, long to let go of their guilt and take charge of their own Healing. Meaning, you can connect with others, find support and accountability so you’ll never feel alone.

What You’ll Get:

  • 3 months of ongoing support and accountability within the private Facebook Group, extending beyond the course duration

  • An active and highly supportive Facebook Community so you’ll never feel left behind.

  • Overcome isolation by connecting with other suicide loss survivors who get the journey that you’re on




A downloadable PDF Guide packed with links to Valuable Resources and In-Depth Research focusing on Suicide Attempt Survivors and the Neurological Factors contributing to Suicide.

The research and resources in this PDF download will give you comfort that your loved one’s suicide was outside your and their control, helping to alleviate any guilt you are currently feeling surrounding your loved one’s suicide.

What You'll Get:

  • Access to a variety of online resources, featuring suicide attempt survivors who share their thoughts and perspectives from their suicide attempt

  • Links to documentaries shedding light on the neurological complexities underlying suicide, providing vital insights into the brain-related factors which have contributed to the suicide of countless individuals




A personalized 60-minute Coaching Session with Caro, exclusively available when you pay in full.

This 1:1 session is tailored to address any challenges or questions you may have, whether related to the course content or other areas of your life.

What You’ll Get:

  • A dedicated 60-minute session with Caro, entirely focused on your needs and goals

  • Flexible scheduling via Zoom at a mutually convenient time, ensuring hassle-free access from the comfort of your own space

  • Valid until July 31, 2024, providing ample time to schedule and make the most of this valuable opportunity for personal support.

It's Time to Finally Find Your Inner Peace

Inside Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation alone, you get …

  • 8 Comprehensive Modules - showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to let go of your guilt and finally find inner peace.

  • Brain based, Science backed Methods - helping you to rewire your brain - for good

  • Grounding Tools and Resources - which you can use calm your nervous system

  • Elusive Insights from your Suicide Loss Journey - aligning your subconscious to support your healing

Plus You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Investing in your Healing Journey can be daunting.

Maybe you’re not sure if it’ll work for you. Perhaps you have invested in a different healing strategy before and it didn’t work, so now your brain wants to keep you safe from yet another disappointment.

I get you!

You’re willing to invest in support as long as it actually works. (Sooner rather than later.)

So here’s why you can place your confidence in a money-back guarantee and set any doubts aside.

By the end of 14 days, you’ll have received access to the first two modules of Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation.

This allows you to explore grounding tools and challenge your “should haves” and “could haves” BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by the thought of inner peace and joy (and your ability to let go of your guilt) by 4pm EDT on May 4, 2024, simply reach out to Caro, show her you’ve put in the work, and you’ll be refunded your investment.

Enroll in Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation Today

Independent Participation (Recorded Only)







with Weekly Live Topic Talks and Interactive Q&A Sessions (recordings will be available)

Limited to 15 suicide loss survivors





Frequently Asked Questions

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I will be doing inside this course. Are you sure I can do this?

Absolutely! The fact that you have read this far tells me that you have what it takes to let go of your guilt. Join the private Facebook Group so you are not alone, go for the VIP option with weekly Q&As for extra support or pay in full for a personalized 1:1 session with Caro.

I have only been recently bereaved / I have been bereaved for decades. Is this course right for me?

For sure! It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you have been bereaved. Due to the brain based, science backed methods in this course, they work for everyone, every time. The most important thing is to take the first step!

How much time and effort do I have to get to put into this course?

It’s really up to you. Weekly topic sessions last around an hour and VIP members can participate in Q&A calls afterwards. Expect to spend 30-60 minutes on exercises each week, tailored to your pace and needs.

Do I get access to the whole course all at once?

Course sessions are released weekly to prevent overwhelm and maintain focus. VIP members can join live Zoom sessions, while all participants gain access to recordings within 24 hours, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

If you’re thinking “this sounds amazing but I’m still not 100% sure”, then keep reading…

You should give the Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation a 14-day risk-free go,
if you’re motivated by any of the following:

1. You want to find inner peace. BADLY.

Whether you’re not able to be present with your family and friends or you desperately don’t want to go down another rabbit hole of “should haves” and “could haves” ever again, you’re fully aware that you’re currently not able to give your loved ones the attention they deserve. More importantly, you’d prefer not to spend the rest of your life feeling guilty when you catch yourself laughing or having a fleeting moment of joy.

2. You’re ready to put in the effort.

By now you fully understand once you have started the rewiring process, it’s easy sailing from there, but getting there takes some effort on your part. This doesn’t hold you back. You would rather go deep within this course and come out of the other end without any remnants of guilt, than forever wonder when the next wave will hit you. And above all else, you’re ready and willing to put pen to paper and get started.

3. You recognize there is no “perfect time” and waiting is not the answer.

That doesn’t mean your heart doesn’t pound when you think about enrolling in this life changing course and experiencing inner peace for good. But it does mean you’re fully aware that it’s “one day or DAY ONE” and only YOU can decide. For what it’s worth, if there ever was a “right time”, it would be now.

Letting Go Of Your Guilt Isn’t Magic…

But it IS a powerful way to finally find inner peace and joy again. And with brain based, and science backed methods, you will stay there for good, and not just for a day or two.

Whether you finally want to be present with your family and friends again…

Or whether you want to find a way to keep your loved one’s memory alive so that they are remembered for how they lived and not how they died…

Letting go of your guilt will unlock all of this, and more.

(Okay, that feels pretty magical, if you ask me.)

Consider this analogy:

Picture a container filled with water, topped by a layer of oil. No matter how much you shake it, the oil always rises above the

water. Now, imagine the water represents your grief, and the oil your guilt. While guilt may temporarily mingle with grief, true healing only begins when you release it. Here’s what I have learned during my 10 years as a suicide loss survivor and through supporting thousands of others bereaved by suicide…

Not a single person shows up confident to let go of their guilt - otherwise they would have done it already.

I created Guilt to Inner Peace Transformation to slowly but surely replace doubts with brain, based and science backed action.

And here’s another thing…

It's not about having the fanciest journal or perfectly structured entries. It's about resilience— the willingness to stumble, learn, and rise again in your quest for peace and remembrance.

And I’m here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

I can’t wait to (virtually) meet you, support you and cheer you on inside Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation!

Sending you love and strength,


This course is the only step-by-step approach that will help you go from feeling consumed by guilt and self-blame over your loved one’s suicide to embracing hope and self-compassion, all while embarking on a positive grief journey filled with inner peace and moments of joy.

Enroll in Guilt To Inner Peace Transformation Today

Independent Participation (Recorded Only)







with Weekly Live Topic Talks and Interactive Q&A Sessions (recordings will be available)

Limited to 15 suicide loss survivors





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